Email Warmup: What is it & Why it matters

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Imagine you're about to give a big speech, but your voice is hoarse.
That's what sending cold emails from a new account is like.
Email warmup is your vocal exercise – it's essential for making your voice heard in the crowded inbox landscape.
  • In this guide, we'll explore:
  • Why email warmup is crucial for cold outreach
  • Step-by-step process to warm up your email account
  • Best practices to maximize your email deliverability
Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to cold emailing, understanding email warmup could be the key to unlocking your outreach potential.
Ready to turn up the heat on your email success?
Don't let your cold emails get the cold shoulder. Start warming up your email account today and watch your open rates soar.
Need help getting started? Request a LinkDR demo now and let us guide you through the warmup process.

Why Email Warmup Matters

Email warmup isn't just a fancy term – it's the backbone of successful cold outreach.
Here's why:
  1. Avoid the Spam Folder: New email accounts sending bulk messages are red flags for spam filters.
  1. Build Sender Reputation: Gradually increase your sending volume to establish credibility.
  1. Improve Deliverability: Warmed-up accounts have higher inbox placement rates.
  1. Boost Open Rates: Better deliverability means more eyes on your emails.

Best Email Warmup Tools

While manual warmup is possible, dedicated tools can significantly streamline the process:

Warmup Inbox

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Warmup Inbox offers a network of real inboxes for authentic interactions.


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Snov is a cold email tool with email warmup support.


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Provides automated warmup with real business language and blacklist monitoring.


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Uses a 'best in class' algorithm with real people for better domain reputation.

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Employs AI-driven algorithms and human-like interactions for enhanced deliverability.

The Step-by-Step Warmup Process

1. Set Up a Dedicated Email Account

For example, if your website is
  • Purchase similar domains (e.g.,,, to protect your domain name’s reputation. Especially if you are sending transactional emails for your startup.
  • LinkDR supports 2 email accounts on the Starter Plan and up to 10 accounts on the Pro Plan and Unlimited accounts on the Unlimited Plan.

2. Start Slow and Steady

  • Week 1: Send 2-5 emails per day
  • Week 2: Increase to 5-10 emails per day
  • Week 3-4: Gradually ramp up to your target volume (20-40 emails per day)

3. Engage in Real Conversations

  • Email colleagues and friends
  • Subscribe to newsletters and respond to them
  • Join relevant mailing lists in your industry

4. Monitor Your Metrics

  • Track open rates, reply rates, and spam complaints
  • Adjust your strategy based on these metrics

Best Practices for Maximum Deliverability

  1. Personalize Your Emails: Use the recipient's name and reference specific details
  1. Craft Compelling Subject Lines: Avoid spam trigger words
  1. Keep Content Relevant: Provide value in every email
  1. Maintain a Consistent Sending Schedule: Sudden spikes in volume can trigger spam filters
  1. Use Authentication Protocols: Implement SPF, DKIM, and DMARC


Email warmup isn't just a nice-to-have – it's a must for anyone serious about cold outreach.
By following this guide, you'll set yourself up for higher deliverability, better open rates, and ultimately, more successful campaigns.
Ready to supercharge your outreach? Get started with LinkDR today and let us handle your email warmup while you focus on crafting the perfect pitch.

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Ilias Ism

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Ilias Ism

Ilias is a SEO expert and LinkDR co-founder, link building with AI. He's passionate about helping businesses dominate SERPs.