Link Building Outreach: Beginner's Guide for 2024

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Let's face it: backlinks are critical for any SEO strategy.
But how do you actually convince other websites to link to yours?
The answer: link building outreach.
It's all about connecting with the right people, sharing the right message, and picking the perfect moment.
And in this beginner’s guide, you'll discover:
  1. What link building outreach is and why it matters
  1. Proven tactics to find potential link partners
  1. Secrets to crafting outreach emails that get results
  1. Tools to streamine your outreach efforts
  1. Rookie mistakes and how to sidestep them
By the time you're done, you'll have a battle-tested link building strategy to boost your backlink profile and climb those SERP rankings.
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What Is Link Building Outreach?

Think of link building outreach as the art of persuasion in the digital age.
It's reaching out to other website owners, bloggers, and influencers with the goal of earning a valuable backlink to your site.
But here's the kicker: you can't just ask for links and expect results.
You need to offer something of value in return. Something that makes linking to your content a no-brainer for them.
That's where the real strategy comes in.
Successful link building outreach is about:
  • Finding websites that align with your niche
  • Crafting personalized, compelling messages
  • Building genuine relationships in your industry
The endgame? Convincing others that linking to your content isn't just good for you—it's a win for them and their audience too.
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Why Is Link Building Outreach Important?

Let's face it: backlinks are still the backbone of SEO.
Google has confirmed that links are one of their top three ranking factors. And numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between the number of quality backlinks a page has and its search engine rankings.
But here's the kicker: you can't just sit back and wait for links to come to you.
Unless you're already a big brand, chances are slim that people will naturally discover and link to your content. That's where link building outreach comes in.
By actively reaching out to other website owners and influencers, you:
  1. Increase your chances of getting high-quality backlinks: You're putting your content in front of the right people who have the power to link to you.
  1. Build relationships in your industry: Outreach isn't just about links. It's about connecting with others in your niche, which can lead to future opportunities.
  1. Get your content in front of new audiences: When someone links to you, their audience sees your content. This can drive referral traffic and increase your brand awareness.
  1. Improve your search engine rankings: More quality backlinks typically lead to better rankings, which means more organic traffic to your site.
  1. Establish your brand as an authority: When reputable sites link to you, it signals to both users and search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable.
Now that we've covered the 'why', let's dive into the 'how'.

How Link Building Outreach Works

Link building outreach isn't rocket science, but it does require strategy and persistence. Here's a basic breakdown of the process:

1. Create High-Quality Content People Will Be Interested in

Before you even think about outreach, you need something worth linking to. This could be:
  • An in-depth guide or tutorial
  • Original research or data
  • An infographic or other visual content
  • A tool or resource that's useful to your target audience
Remember, your content needs to be better than what's already out there. It should provide unique value that makes people want to share it.

2. Identify Websites, Journalists, or Influencers Who May Want Your Content

Next, you need to find the right people to reach out to. Look for:
  • Websites in your niche that have linked to similar content before
  • Journalists who write about topics related to your content
  • Influencers who share content like yours with their audience
Tools like LinkDR can help you find relevant prospects based on your keywords and niche. It also checks domain ratings and existing backlinks, so you can focus on the most valuable opportunities.

3. Pitch Your Content in a Personalized Way

Now comes the crucial part: reaching out. Your outreach needs to be:
  • Personalized: Show that you've done your homework and understand their audience
  • Valuable: Clearly explain how your content will benefit them or their readers
  • Concise: Respect their time by getting to the point quickly
  • Professional: Use proper grammar and spelling, and maintain a courteous tone
LinkDR offers templates optimized for link outreach, which can help you craft effective messages faster.
Remember, link building outreach is a numbers game. You might need to send dozens or even hundreds of emails to get a single link. But don't let that discourage you – each successful link can significantly boost your SEO efforts.

Effective Link Building Methods

Now that you understand the basics, let's dive into some specific link building methods that have proven effective in 2024.

The Skyscraper Technique

The Skyscraper Technique, popularized by Brian Dean of Backlinko, is all about creating content that towers above the competition. Here's how it works:

1. Find a Popular Piece of Content on Your Topic

Look for content that's already performing well in terms of backlinks and social shares. Tools like Ahrefs or BuzzSumo can help you find popular content in your niche.

2. Create a Better Version of That Content

Now, your job is to make something even better. This could mean:
  • Making it more comprehensive
  • Updating it with fresher information
  • Improving the design or user experience
  • Adding original research or data

3. Promote Your Content to the Right People

Here's where the outreach comes in. Reach out to people who have linked to or shared the original piece of content. Let them know about your improved version and why it might be valuable to their audience.

Bonus: LinkDR Email Template for the Skyscraper Technique

Here's a template you can use in LinkDR for Skyscraper Technique outreach:
Subject: [Name], I found a way to improve your [Topic] resource Hi [Name], I noticed you linked to [Original Content] in your article about [Topic]. Great choice – it's a solid resource. I wanted to let you know that I've just published an updated and expanded version of this content. It includes: - [New Feature 1] - [New Feature 2] - [New Feature 3] You can check it out here: [Your Content URL] Might be worth considering as an additional resource for your readers. Let me know what you think! Best, [Your Name]

The Moving Man Technique

This technique, also popularized by Brian Dean, involves finding broken links or outdated content and offering your own content as a replacement.

1. Locate Outdated Content

Look for:
  • Websites that have shut down
  • Pages that no longer exist
  • Content that's severely outdated

2. Find Backlinks to Outdated Content

Use tools like Ahrefs or Moz to find websites that are still linking to this outdated content.

3. Create or Update Content

Create new content that serves as a suitable replacement for the outdated resource.

4. Promote Your Content

Reach out to the websites still linking to the outdated content. Let them know about the broken link and offer your content as a replacement.

Bonus: LinkDR Email Template

Here's a template you can use in LinkDR for the Moving Man Technique:
Subject: Broken link on your [Topic] page Hi [Name], I was reading your excellent article on [Topic] and noticed a broken link. The link to [Outdated Content] no longer works because the site has been shut down. I actually have a up-to-date resource on this topic that might make a good replacement. You can find it here: [Your Content URL] Feel free to check it out and see if it would be a good fit for your readers. Either way, I hope this helps you keep your content fresh and valuable! Best, [Your Name]

Guest Posting

Guest posting remains a powerful link building strategy when done right. Here's how to approach it:

1. Find Authoritative Blogs in Your Industry

Look for blogs that accept guest posts and have a good domain rating. LinkDR can help you identify potential targets based on your niche and keywords.

2. Request a Guest Post

Reach out to the blog owner or editor with a personalized pitch. Suggest a few topic ideas that would be valuable to their audience.

3. Deliver Content with Links

If your pitch is accepted, create high-quality content that naturally includes a link back to your site. Make sure the link is relevant and adds value to the content.

Bonus: LinkDR Email Template

Here's a template you can use in LinkDR for guest posting outreach:
Subject: Guest post idea for [Blog Name] Hi [Name], I'm a long-time reader of [Blog Name] and I especially enjoyed your recent post about [Recent Post Topic]. The point you made about [Specific Detail] really resonated with me. I'm reaching out because I'd love to contribute a guest post to your blog. I have a few ideas that I think would be a great fit for your audience: 1. [Topic Idea 1] 2. [Topic Idea 2] 3. [Topic Idea 3] I'm happy to flesh out any of these ideas further if you're interested. For reference, you can see some of my previous writing at [Your Website]. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further. I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Blog Name]! Best, [Your Name]

Journalism Sourcing Platforms

Platforms like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) connect journalists with sources. This can be a great way to get high-quality backlinks from news sites and other authoritative sources.

1. Register with an Online Journalism Sourcing Platform

Sign up for platforms like HARO, SourceBottle, or JournoRequests.

2. Set Up Customized Alerts

Most of these platforms allow you to set up alerts for topics relevant to your expertise.

3. Respond to Journalist Requests with Unique Content

When you see a relevant request, respond quickly with a thoughtful, well-written answer. Include a brief bio that positions you as an expert in your field.

Bonus: LinkDR Email Template

Here's a template you can use in LinkDR for responding to journalist requests:
Subject: Expert Response: [Journalist's Query Topic] Hi [Journalist Name], I saw your query about [Topic] on [Platform Name] and I believe I can provide valuable insights for your article. [Your 2-3 sentence response to their query] A bit about me: [1-2 sentences establishing your expertise] I'd be happy to expand on this or provide additional information if needed. You can reach me at [Your Phone Number] or reply to this email. Best, [Your Name] [Your Title/Company] [Your Website]

Digital PR

Digital PR involves creating newsworthy content and pitching it to journalists and bloggers. It's a powerful way to earn high-quality backlinks and increase brand awareness.

1. Come Up with Ideas

Brainstorm ideas for content that journalists might want to cover. This could be:
  • Original research or surveys
  • Infographics or data visualizations
  • Expert commentary on industry trends
  • Unique stories about your brand or customers

2. Create Your Content

Develop your idea into a full piece of content. Make sure it's well-researched, visually appealing, and easy for journalists to use.

3. Build an Outreach List

Identify journalists and bloggers who cover topics related to your content. LinkDR can help you find relevant contacts based on your niche and keywords.

4. Send Your Pitch

Reach out to your contacts with a personalized pitch explaining why your content is newsworthy and relevant to their audience.

Bonus: LinkDR Email Template

Here's a template you can use in LinkDR for Digital PR outreach:
Subject: Exclusive Data on [Topic] for [Publication Name] Hi [Journalist Name], I hope this email finds you well. I've been following your recent articles on [Related Topic] and I thought you might be interested in some new data we've just released. We've conducted a survey of [Number] [Industry] professionals about [Topic]. Some key findings include: - [Interesting Stat 1] - [Interesting Stat 2] - [Interesting Stat 3] I think this data could add valuable context to your coverage of [Related Topic]. We have a full report with data visualizations that I'd be happy to share with you exclusively before we release it to the public. Would you be interested in taking a look? Best, [Your Name] [Your Title/Company]

5 Tips to Make Your Link Building Outreach More Successful

  1. Personalize, personalize, personalize: Generic outreach emails get ignored. Show that you've done your homework by referencing specific articles or tweets from the person you're reaching out to.
  1. Focus on value: Always lead with how your content or proposal will benefit the other person or their audience. It's not about what you want – it's about what you can offer.
  1. Keep it concise: Respect people's time by getting to the point quickly. Your initial outreach email should be no more than a few short paragraphs.
  1. Follow up (but don't be pushy): If you don't hear back, it's okay to send a polite follow-up after a week or so. But if you still don't get a response, move on.
  1. Track your results: Use a tool like LinkDR to monitor your backlink growth over time. This will help you understand which outreach methods are most effective for you.

Start Your Link Building Outreach Campaign Today

Link building outreach isn't a quick fix – it's a long-term strategy that requires patience and persistence. But when done right, it can significantly boost your SEO efforts and help you build valuable relationships in your industry.
Ready to supercharge your link building outreach? Try LinkDR today. Our powerful software helps you:
  • Find relevant link prospects based on your keywords and niche
  • Check domain ratings and existing backlinks to prioritize your efforts
  • Use optimized templates for effective outreach
  • Track your backlink growth over time
Sign up now and take your link building to the next level. And here's our guarantee: If you don't get backlinks in 30 days, we'll give you a full refund.
Don't let your competitors outrank you. Start building high-quality backlinks today with LinkDR!

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Ilias Ism

Article by

Ilias Ism

Ilias is a SEO expert and LinkDR co-founder, link building with AI. He's passionate about helping businesses dominate SERPs.