10 Backlink Magnet Examples that Work

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Creating high-quality backlinks is essential for improving your website's search engine rankings and driving organic traffic.
One of the most effective ways to earn backlinks naturally is by developing "backlink magnets" - content or resources that other websites want to link to.
In this post, we'll explore 10 proven backlink magnet examples that can help attract valuable links to your site.

What Are Backlink Magnets?

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Backlink magnets are pieces of content or resources on your website that are so valuable, informative, or unique that other sites naturally want to link to them. They serve as powerful link building assets by providing something that other websites and content creators find worth referencing.
The key is to create content that is truly exceptional and stands out from what's already available online. When done right, backlink magnets can continue attracting links for months or even years after publication.
Now let's dive into 10 effective backlink magnet examples you can use to boost your link building efforts:

1. Original Research and Data

One of the most powerful types of backlink magnets is original research and data. By conducting surveys, experiments, or data analysis in your industry, you can uncover unique insights that others will want to cite.
For example, HubSpot's annual State of Marketing report attracts thousands of backlinks each year by providing fresh statistics on marketing trends. The report compiles survey data from over 1,000 marketers to reveal insights on strategies, challenges, and technologies shaping the industry.
To create your own research-based backlink magnet:
  • Identify key questions or topics in your niche that lack up-to-date data
  • Conduct surveys, interviews, or data analysis to uncover new insights
  • Present your findings in a visually appealing report or infographic
  • Promote your research through outreach, social media, and PR
Original data gives other content creators a credible source to reference, making it highly linkable. Just be sure to present your methodology clearly to establish credibility.

2. Comprehensive Guides and Resources

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In-depth, authoritative guides on important topics in your industry can serve as excellent backlink magnets. These guides should aim to be the definitive resource on a subject, covering it more comprehensively than anything else available.
Backlinko's guide to SEO is a prime example, attracting over 30,000 backlinks. At over 10,000 words, it covers every aspect of search engine optimization in extreme detail with actionable tips.
To create an effective guide as a backlink magnet:
  • Choose an important, evergreen topic in your niche
  • Research thoroughly to identify all key subtopics to cover
  • Include actionable advice, examples, and visuals
  • Structure content clearly with a table of contents
  • Update regularly to keep information current
Comprehensive guides provide immense value, positioning your site as an authority. This makes them natural link targets for anyone writing about related topics.

3. Infographics and Data Visualizations

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Visual content like infographics and data visualizations can be highly effective backlink magnets when done well. They allow you to present complex information or data in an easily digestible, shareable format.
For instance, Information is Beautiful's visualization of The Internet of Things attracted over 2,700 backlinks by illustrating the interconnected world of smart devices.
Tips for creating linkable infographics:
  • Choose topics with broad appeal in your industry
  • Focus on presenting data and information visually
  • Ensure accuracy and cite reliable sources
  • Make it easy to embed on other sites
  • Promote across social media and design communities
Eye-catching infographics get shared widely, increasing the chances of earning backlinks. Just be sure the information provided is valuable and accurate.

4. Free Tools and Calculators

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Offering free, useful tools or calculators related to your industry can be an excellent way to attract backlinks. These provide practical value to users while showcasing your expertise.
HubSpot's Website Grader is a great example, generating over 20,000 backlinks. It analyzes any website's performance, mobile-friendliness, SEO, and security, providing a free report with actionable tips.
To create an effective tool as a backlink magnet:
  • Identify common problems or calculations in your niche
  • Develop a simple, user-friendly interface
  • Ensure accuracy and reliability of results
  • Make it free to use without requiring sign-up
  • Promote to relevant communities and influencers
Useful tools solve problems for users, making them highly shareable and linkable resources.

5. Industry Surveys and Reports

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Conducting and publishing industry surveys or reports can generate significant backlinks by providing fresh insights and data. These reports become go-to resources for anyone writing about trends or statistics in your field.
The Content Marketing Institute's annual B2B Content Marketing report is a prime example, attracting thousands of backlinks each year. It surveys hundreds of marketers to reveal benchmarks, trends, and challenges in B2B content marketing.
To create an effective industry report:
  • Identify key questions and metrics in your industry
  • Survey a large, representative sample
  • Analyze data to uncover meaningful trends and insights
  • Present findings clearly with charts and graphics
  • Promote widely to industry publications and influencers
By providing fresh data and insights, these reports become essential references, naturally attracting backlinks from industry content.

6. Expert Roundups

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Expert roundups gather insights from multiple industry leaders on a specific topic, creating a valuable resource that attracts backlinks. They leverage the collective expertise and audiences of contributors to generate interest.
For example, Databox's roundup on "27 Ways to Increase Website Traffic" features tips from marketing experts and has earned hundreds of backlinks.
Tips for creating linkable expert roundups:
  • Choose a topic of broad interest in your industry
  • Invite a diverse group of respected experts to contribute
  • Ask a specific, thought-provoking question
  • Compile responses into a well-structured post with key takeaways
  • Encourage contributors to share the published piece
Expert roundups provide diverse perspectives on important topics, making them valuable reference material worthy of backlinks.

7. Ultimate Lists and Resource Collections

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Curating comprehensive lists of resources, tools, or examples related to a specific topic can create highly linkable content. These become go-to references for anyone looking for information on that subject.
Brian Dean's list of "200+ Google Ranking Factors" is a classic example, attracting over 40,000 backlinks as the most complete collection of SEO ranking factors available.
Another great example is Refined’s list of 100+ startup directories to help you increase your domain authority.
To create an effective ultimate list:
  • Choose a topic with many potential items to include
  • Research thoroughly to ensure comprehensiveness
  • Organize items logically with clear descriptions
  • Include visuals or screenshots where relevant
  • Update regularly to keep the list current
By creating the most complete resource on a topic, you position your content as the definitive reference, naturally attracting backlinks.

8. Case Studies and Success Stories

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Detailed case studies showcasing real-world results or innovative approaches can serve as powerful backlink magnets. They provide concrete examples that others want to reference when discussing strategies or best practices.
Slack's case study on how Airbnb uses their platform to improve team communication has earned hundreds of backlinks by illustrating practical applications and benefits.
Tips for creating linkable case studies:
  • Choose noteworthy clients or unique scenarios
  • Focus on specific, measurable results
  • Include quotes and insights from key stakeholders
  • Use visuals to illustrate key points and data
  • Highlight lessons learned and best practices
Well-crafted case studies provide evidence-based insights that others want to cite, making them natural link targets.

9. Glossaries and Terminology Guides

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Creating comprehensive glossaries or guides to industry terminology can attract backlinks by becoming go-to reference materials. These resources help explain complex concepts or jargon to newcomers in your field.
Moz's SEO glossary is an excellent example, earning thousands of backlinks as a definitive resource for search engine optimization terms.
To create an effective glossary as a backlink magnet:
  • Identify common terms and concepts in your industry
  • Provide clear, concise definitions
  • Include relevant examples or context
  • Organize terms alphabetically and by category
  • Update regularly to include new terminology
By creating the most comprehensive and up-to-date glossary in your niche, you establish a valuable resource that others will link to when explaining industry concepts.

10. Interactive Content and Quizzes

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Interactive content like quizzes, assessments, or calculators can serve as engaging backlink magnets. They provide a unique, participatory experience that stands out from static content.
The New York Times' "How Y'all, Youse and You Guys Talk" quiz is a prime example, attracting over 50,000 backlinks with its fun, shareable format for exploring American dialects.
Tips for creating linkable interactive content:
  • Choose a topic with broad appeal in your industry
  • Design an intuitive, user-friendly interface
  • Provide valuable insights or results
  • Make it easy to share results on social media
  • Ensure it works well on mobile devices
Interactive content is highly shareable and provides a unique user experience, increasing its potential to attract backlinks.


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Creating effective backlink magnets requires a deep understanding of your audience's needs and interests. By developing truly exceptional, valuable content that stands out in your industry, you can naturally attract high-quality backlinks to boost your SEO efforts.
Remember, the key is to focus on providing genuine value rather than simply trying to game the system. With patience and persistence, these backlink magnet strategies can significantly improve your website's authority and search engine rankings over time.
To streamline your link building efforts and find the best opportunities for your backlink magnets, consider using LinkDR. As the best link building software available, LinkDR helps you:
  • Find relevant link prospects based on your keywords and niche
  • Check domain ratings and existing backlinks
  • Use optimized templates for link outreach
  • Track your backlink growth over time
By combining powerful backlink magnets with efficient outreach and tracking, you can supercharge your link building strategy and achieve lasting SEO success.

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Build high-quality backlinks at scale with LinkDR, the automated link building platform.

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Ilias Ism

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Ilias Ism

Ilias is a SEO expert and LinkDR co-founder, link building with AI. He's passionate about helping businesses dominate SERPs.